Sunday, November 14, 2010

My New Horse

On Saturday the 25th of September 2010 I met Samson. His name wasn't Samson when I met him, it was Kerry, and he was looking pretty sorry for himself. He was a rising three year old, with a patchy furry coat, remnants of rain scald and an eaten off tail. It took me over an hour to find where he was kept, it was up in the Hills District of Sydney, down all these windy roads, to an obscure suburb. After a long drive way I came across a shelter/yard block with an elderly woman and some horses. Samson was being fed in there. She explained how she was retired now, and how some trainers knew she took Standardbreds who no longer were good at racing. Samson was one of them.

I took the halter and lead, caught him and led him around a little. He seemed a little nervous but otherwise sweet and quiet. I was hoping for about a 5 year old, so I was hesitant to choose him, but he ticked all the other boxes.

On Saturday the 2nd of October he arrived on a big truck. He was flight, nervous and a bit skinny. I led him down the driveway, gave him a bland feed and then released him with his new herd.

Here are some pictures from when I first saw him as "Kerry".

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